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The Turbulent Times Metaphor

Sometimes all you have to do is... is wait
For the sea to calm down, to have the sight of the shore
For it is the time that can heal all what is sore

When you hit the bottom, there is only one way and that is up
You might languish at the bottom for a while but then you have to rise
The pain is inevitable and the future is unsure
But believe in magic, the magic of this world
All you have to do is, is to keep the faith
And let the magic work around you...


  1. Sometimes waiting is the only alternative left..they say Pain is inevitable but suffering is optional..but what about waiting ??

    You know these two para's look like two entirely different poems...though one is of pain and other is of being free of the pain yet there doesn't seem to b a thread to join these two!

    Brilliant words..loved it :)

    Take Care

  2. Heads up! You are falling free. Heads down, you are advancing ahead! It is all in the perception in the free space!
    The skies since ages have not bent down for the roaring seas. The only real time magic that can work is change in your perception. Feel the pain as long as you can hold, let your soul melt and mold.

  3. Wonderful, inspiring lines. I love your post The picture is fascinating. A ship in a stormy sea or even a calm ocean is always a wonder to me! Cheers, Ruby


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