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I have never in my life felt like this.
I want to take all her pain away.
I want to hear to every word that she say.

I have never in my life felt like this.
It is with her that I could be the real me.
The one who thinks silly thoughts,
The one who gets into kiddish talks.
I am not afraid what she thinks about me and neither is she.
We truly are strange friends.
She completes me in every sense.

I have never in my life felt like this.
It is deep, It is innocent
How can I tell how I feel when she smiles.
She is the one with I can be just me,
No fronts, no guards, no pretenses, Just me..

Are you real or just my imagination??


  1. aaawwwww......this is beautiful,ur words reflect so much the way i think and would write.

  2. feelings that a Mom will carry within. Well expressed.

  3. i too hope that she if for real.. :)

  4. I will wish her for you :)

  5. touching....deep words "She is the one with I can be just me".........Angel wud not b imagination....sumwer near....wait...u ll b destined 2 meet ur angel :)


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