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The Matter Of Everything

It is just a matter of choice always.
You decided to erect a barrier.
I decided to build a bridge.
Even when our tasks are accomplished,
Why our objectives are still unfulfilled?


  1. Barrier....Bridge....1 wud alwys stand n divide....other....will alwys make d 2 ends 2 will d obj b fulfilled???

  2. Whatever you write is so neat and real!

  3. good one thoughtful one i will say :) love your blog man.
    i don't know what you are eating now a day :P

  4. interesting take.. each sees a different thing. nice

  5. because there is so much more to build.

  6. Even when our tasks are accomplished,
    Why our objectives are still unfulfilled? ...
    it happens soo many a times....beautifully put!

  7. It looks like my butterfly in a different colour.

  8. Choices is life's virtue ... Objective is to live life... unfulfilled objective keeps you going and let you to make a choice... to cut yourself off or to move on :)



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