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In The Name Of Love

Today tomorrow and forever I am LOVE.
Humans greatest and purest desire...
I was never corrupt nor will I ever be.
If you find something wrong in an emotion,
If you find something wrong in a desire,
It was not me you found,
You found something else.
Don't accept it ever in my name
Don't accept it ever in my name


  1. wowee! tug me this way and that... love it!

  2. this has such a powerful rhythm, reading your work is a joy. x

  3. And i am immortal.. If u think i ever was, and i have died now.. it wasn't me!!

    Beautiful... loved the love :)

  4. awesome....lovely in the name of love :)

  5. So true .. love the line if u found something wrong..

    So many people often confuse lust or attraction to be love .. when will they know the real feeling ??


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