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The Words That Remain

There is some pain which is unsaid,
There is a part which is still possessed..
There is a path which is not yet traveled,
There are some words which are still unread..

The question still remains, 'why do I write?'
Because it lets me feel what my heart wants to feel..
Because there is a lie that I want to expose..
And I write because there is an I in I, that I want to keep alive..

@readers- why do you write?


  1. I write for life. It is worth it.


  2. It's cathartic mostly.

    Helps make the sadness go away, or the happiness sweetier.

  3. I write to make connections with people and myself. This includes all types of connections... Physical, emotional, spiritual and the pursuit of knowledge or understanding.

  4. oh ..for throwing all my tantrums there :)

  5. I write, I don't know why, I think I too am haunted to be wanted, but I also write, because it feels right.

  6. I write because i feel lighter after doing so! :)

  7. so true, so many words left to be read... to be written in order to do so...

  8. Because I want too, because I can, or maybe it's because I don't have a choice.

  9. Beautiful expression as always! :)
    I write because it is an outlet for my emotions and nothing makes me feel as happy as penning my thoughts does.

  10. i write i hve found its d only way 2 express my emotions..d burden of suppressing emotions hve lifted up after i hve started writing...n it has also helped me 2 knw more abt life n myself :)

  11. everyone writes,but who can say what they really mean??????????

    those are those few writers who are read,I however write to ease my mind.......

  12. I feel the same....I write to feel. I write to connect to me. I write to have my voice.

  13. i write because it keeps me closer to myself , gives me a sense of satisfaction , its my space where i dont have to think before writing any blunt opinion and untapped emotions and words they find an outlet here.....and now i also enjoy reading peoples opinion about the things i write

  14. I write for the simple reason... I don't know how else to stop my tears!!

  15. i write to increase knowledge

  16. I write because thats the place where i could be the most "ME" ! i like the above post!

  17. just to express beliefs...the very'ME'!!

  18. There is no need to ask myself why I write.....I write. And that's it. The 'why' can be mulled over by whoever reads what I write and wonders ..."WHY?"

  19. what i write is the letter from my heart, ive just notice it

  20. I write because of what one person is making me feel.

  21. I write to hold on to that pain, I can't let it go.

  22. I write ,allow my heart to flow with a music ,that with all trust and belief in this love ,one moment ,the one that ,is my love ,will hear each note in the flow of music and smile with each beat of their heart .


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